Top No Load Mutual Funds Translation Bar


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Top No Load Mutual Funds Alternative Energy

Top No Load Mutual Funds

We have had many queries on top no-load alternative energy mutual funds. With development, is the world's consumption of energy is growing at a rate that exceeds growth in energy production. The situation where demand exceeds supply in coming upon us quickly and energy mutual funds should experience solid long-term profits. As we all become more environmentally conscious demand for power from renewable sources is increasing. Here is a list of the 5 top no load mutual funds alternative energy:

Calvert Global Alternative Energy Fund (CGAEX): This no-load alternative energy mutual fund contains a broad range of renewable energy and green energy resources. No sales fees and a low 1.85% APR allows you to earn profits while helping to reduce pollution. Really an opportunity to earn some green while staying green.

Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy Fund (GAAEX): Another major source of investment in green and renewable energy. The expense ratio of 1.64% will not bite too deep into your earnings.

Powershares Global Clean Energy (PBD): Perhaps one of the best green mutual funds available in the market, the Powershares Global Clean Energy Mutual Funds' ability to offer great diversification across clean energy investment field is excellent. The fact that Powershares can spread so well with a minimal 0.75% expense ratio is really fantastic and a credit to the fund manager.

Powershares Wilder Hill Clean Energy Portfolio (PBW): This is one of the oldest publicly traded alternative energy resources available in the market and has an excellent track record with stable returns, while investing only in U.S. companies.

Vanguard Energy (VGENX): If you can afford the initial $ 25,000 minimum investment, this is one of the best no-load, alternative energy mutual funds, which you can find. Low cost and double-digit returns are the norm with this fund.

Like whether you invest in clean renewable energy make money or help protect the environment, you can not go wrong by investing in these five no-load alternative energy mutual funds.

Top No Load Mutual Funds

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